Compressed air audit
Compressed air systems can achieve significant energy savings by using modern monitoring and control systems but also by implementing simple solutions.
The purpose of a professional compressed air audit is to map all problem areas of the compressed air system and find all possible solutions. To this end, a detailed inspection is carried out to identify problem areas that go otherwise unnoticed.
The end result of the audit is to present possible solutions to the problems that have arisen and how to deal with lower costs. The results are presented to the company as a document with detailed expense numbers and payback periods.
Stages of compiling a compressed air audit
Topics covered by the audit
Leaks and evaluation of their elimination
Possible changes to the system
Compressor heat recovery
Pneumatics optimization
System-wide energy consumption
General overview of the system
Compressed air storage
Pressure adjustment
Route condition
Pressure drops
A compressed air audit is an ideal way to get a detailed overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the system used in the company. In addition, an audit is an ideal way to find out how to approach a system upgrade, we give you the best recommendations to increase productivity or upgrade to a more modern system. With the help of our cooperation partners, we are also able to perform accurate measurement analyzes, as a result of which the most optimal solutions for your company are found.
Potential audit results and next steps
Possible upgrades/replacements of the compressor system
Leak mapping and elimination
Systems reconstruction plans
System air quality improvement measures
Elimination of air/pressure deficiencies
Heat recovery construction
Other energy saving measures